A good explanation in less than 10′ of a key construct for coping with turbulent “VUCA” environments: scenario development. Four phases are clearly outlined. This construct itself is systematic, practical, and user-friendly, even in conflicted situations. In moving South Africa out of the apartheid era, for example, it was famously and successfully implemented. This fine […]
Tag: Enterprise Macroanalysis
“The Cynefin Framework”

The Cynefin Framework is a sense-making device for understanding the sort(s) of environment you and your team/organization may need to make decisions and take action in. Here is a great 8′ video on it by its creator, Dave Snowden.
“Shared Vision”
Peter Senge defines “shared vision” in < 5′. Shared vision is one of the 5 “disciplines” of the learning organization, as he famously asserted. Somewhat similar to the notion of “BHAG” -big, hairy, ambitious goals” popularized in the book “Built to Last”.
“PESTLE Analysis”
Like SWOT, PESTEL is a tool for macroanalysis, that is, for looking at the contexts of organizations in a systemic way. Here is a nice 10′ explanation.