Brief (2′) overview of the canvas by Strategyzer, its inventors. Clear visuals, high production values.
Category: Purpose
“The Basics of Scope Management: How to Manage Scope”
Useful 5′ introduction to fundamentals of scope and scope management.
“What is SIPOC and how to use SIPOC diagram in practice”
Solid 4.5′ introduction, organized around two examples.
“Knowledge Management – The SECI Model”
Great 3′ intro to this key construct for many of today’s projects, especially those where the knowledge needed to build the product does not already exist.
“What is CATWOE?”
Useful introduction to the construct of “root definition” of any “human activity system”, including any project or potential project. CATWOE is the acronym of human activity system (HAS) elements: Customer, Actor, Transformation, Worldview, Owner, Environment. Explained more from a business rather than a systems perspective. A bit “talky” but a helpful into in about 5.5′.
“Soft Systems Methodology in 10 Minutes (nearly)!”
Useful visuals and talk
“Satir Change Model”
Brief introduction (<4′) to the six stages of this model.
“The Story of Codesign”
Animated narrative (<4″) demonstrating principles and key constructs of co-design
“The Cynefin Framework”

The Cynefin Framework is a sense-making device for understanding the sort(s) of environment you and your team/organization may need to make decisions and take action in. Here is a great 8′ video on it by its creator, Dave Snowden.
“What is a Requirements Traceability Matrix?”
11′ presentation of a model that links long-term business ojectives of a project to quality tests of specific product features by way of requirement and scope structure.