Great 3′ intro to this key construct for many of today’s projects, especially those where the knowledge needed to build the product does not already exist.
Category: Empowering Co-workers
Motivate and support coworkers tackling project responsibilities. Remove barriers, blockers, and obstacles, and uncertainties. Facilitate creation of team know-how.
“Satir Change Model”
Brief introduction (<4′) to the six stages of this model.
“The Cynefin Framework”

The Cynefin Framework is a sense-making device for understanding the sort(s) of environment you and your team/organization may need to make decisions and take action in. Here is a great 8′ video on it by its creator, Dave Snowden.
“Daniel Goleman Introduces Emotional Intelligence”
Short introduction of EI with definitions of its 4 components by the guy who “wrote the book on it”, Daniel Goleman.
“The Power of Mentoring”
This 5′ minute TED talk – “The Power of Mentoring” – emphasizes long term benefits flowing from the role.
“Conflict in Project Management: It’s Your Fault”
The theme of this useful, results-oriented advice on resolving conflict in projects is “It’s your fault!” Worth a listen (although the format is talking heads and it includes a brief cm).
“Tuckman Ladder”
Here is a one-minute explanation of a useful, long-standing model of project team evolution – the Tuckman Ladder. This model is useful largely as a way to inform team members about “where they are” in a project, from an internal/team perspective, that is, a way that does not rely on scope, schedule, or budget frameworks. […]
“Scrum vs. Kanban”
Nice 5.5′ video explaining these two approaches to agile project management. It is also a useful introduction to PMi’s 6 Disciplined Dgile Delivery lifecycles, of which, 4 are based on Scrum and Kanban.
“27 Product Backlog and Refinement Anti-patterns” (not a video)
Nice post listing 27 of them.
“Agile Product Ownership in a Nutshell”
Great Overview of Agile PM. Lucid concepts and visual explanation, addressing risk, roles, processes, products, and revenue. Wow!