11′ video.
Category: Appreciating Values
Determining what stakeholder segments are key, what they consider valuable, and why. Representing these priorities clearly through the project. Creating quality metrics, processes, and KPI’s to ensure that what they consider valuable is actually being built.
“Customer Journey Mapping Workshop”
Nice 6′ video – visual, information-rich, well organized
“Agile Project Management Framework”
9′ Introduction. Emphasis on launching agile project and their “Envision” phases per Jim Highsmith Short discussion of Project Data Sheet at about 6:10
“The Job, the Pain, the Gain, and Customer Segments”
Useful 4′ vid.
“How to Create a Customer Persona using an Empathy Map”
Useful 6′ vid.
“How to Fill in a Lean Canvas?”
– Nice 8′ Video. The purpose of the Lean Canvas is to support collaborative, high-level modeling of a new organizations. In this purpose, its basic approach, and key concepts, it is closely related to two Strategyzer® product – the Business Model Canvas and the Value Proposition canvas. It is also strongly informed by “lean” practice, […]
“Shared Vision”
Peter Senge defines “shared vision” in < 5′. Shared vision is one of the 5 “disciplines” of the learning organization, as he famously asserted. Somewhat similar to the notion of “BHAG” -big, hairy, ambitious goals” popularized in the book “Built to Last”.
“How to Create a Project Charter”

Here is an excellent 13′ video on creating project charters. Very clear explanation of the role and benefits of the charter, as well as a clear analysis of components and useful guidance on drafting one. The charter is to be a model of the project organization that key stakeholders can buy into. In one or […]