Solid 18′ video offering a clear explanation via a worked example.
Category: Appreciating Values
Determining what stakeholder segments are key, what they consider valuable, and why. Representing these priorities clearly through the project. Creating quality metrics, processes, and KPI’s to ensure that what they consider valuable is actually being built.
“KPI’s, Targets & Goals…What’s the Difference?”
Good short explanation.
“Payback Period”
Here’s a nice 3 minute explanation of “payback period”. It includes some context and a useful worked example. Organizations typically have more ideas about projects they might like to do than resources to do them all. So, to decide which one(s) to actually initiate, they typically compare candidate projects in terms of business case and […]
“Salience Model”
The salience model construct categorizes stakeholders by power, urgency, and legitimacy. Very helpful re identifying key stakeholders and informing communication planning. Here is an 8+ minute presentation with some useful related links (and advice on the PMP exam).
“Understanding the Context of Use”
Nice (8 minute) presentation on researching context of use. Discusses identifying end-users, modeling their contexts and purposes, the design challenge of serving them, and generating ideas about features and affordances of potential project products.
“Rich Pictures in 5 Minutes!”
Brief tutorial on a powerful notation for collaborative problem-situation analysis and representation. Originated in Peter Checkland’s Soft Systems Methodology (SSM).
“Project Quality Management”
Comprehensive 11′ overview, organized per PMI’s PMBOK 6.
“How to Estimate a Project”
Brief (<4′) introduction to estimating plan-driven project scope, time, and cost. Pays useful attention to linkages among these.
“Mike Cohn User Stories”
Very comprehensive explanation by the guy who “wrote the book” on user stories. About an hour long.
“What is an Empathy Map?”
Nice 5′ video – nice visuals, nice explanation