The Value Proposition Canvas is a tool for the collaborative development of the fit beween a customer segment, especially its key jobs and related gains and pains, with potential value propositions which could be provided for the segment. Here is a nice 3′ explanation by the company that designed the canvas, Strategyzer. Btw, the design […]
Category: Appreciating Values
Determining what stakeholder segments are key, what they consider valuable, and why. Representing these priorities clearly through the project. Creating quality metrics, processes, and KPI’s to ensure that what they consider valuable is actually being built.
“Benefits Realization Management Plan”
As currently conceptualized in many project communities of practice, the “benefits” construct refers to outcomes of the project which are valuable to some stakeholder(s). Stakeholders other than the customers may have benefits from a project, without receiving any deliverable, and perhaps long after these have been taken away by the customer. While these beneficial outcomes […]
“Product Goals in Scrum”
10.5′ explanation, oriented specifically to Scrum development approaches and the Scrum construct of “product goal”. However, this talk helps understand how, in agile generally, some very, very high-level model of the product – our “product vision” construct – is useful in engaging stakeholders, informing team formation, and representing potential project outputs in a persuasive way. […]
“Business Model Canvas Explained”
Brief (2′) overview of the canvas by Strategyzer, its inventors. Clear visuals, high production values.
“What is CATWOE?”
Useful introduction to the construct of “root definition” of any “human activity system”, including any project or potential project. CATWOE is the acronym of human activity system (HAS) elements: Customer, Actor, Transformation, Worldview, Owner, Environment. Explained more from a business rather than a systems perspective. A bit “talky” but a helpful into in about 5.5′.
“Soft Systems Methodology in 10 Minutes (nearly)!”
Useful visuals and talk
“Satir Change Model”
Brief introduction (<4′) to the six stages of this model.
“The Story of Codesign”
Animated narrative (<4″) demonstrating principles and key constructs of co-design
“What is a Requirements Traceability Matrix?”
11′ presentation of a model that links long-term business ojectives of a project to quality tests of specific product features by way of requirement and scope structure.
“Stakeholder Register & Power Interest Grid”
Good 5′ explanation and slidedeck relating to the job of understanding stakeholders for project purposes. Very important at the front end of most any project, but particularly those developing their products via a plan-driven approach.