Category: Perspective

Six great perspectives on project know-how:
business, systems, design, Kaizen, waterfall, and agile

“Product Life Cycle (with Real World Examples)”

9′ video with useful, well-designed slides and product examples. Projects are very often selected and launched specifically to support a product in one stage of the product life cycle. E.g. marketing projects for company products in the “Introduction Phase” and development projects for products in the “Growth Phase”. These days, many companies organize work increasingly […]

“Kotter’s 8 Step Change Management Model”

Concise 4′ explanation with whiteboard. Kotter’s model was framed primarily to inform and inspire leaders of change management initiatives at the enterprise scale. Since such initiatives nearly always involve launching or influencing programs and projects, those working in such projects may find Kotter’s model useful to understand C-level decision-making and policies. What is also interesting […]

“Satir Change Model”

Useful 8′ explanation based on a single slide, with annotations set out in support of the talk. Re Satir’s pracctice, what is missing here is her thinking in terms of “wholes” and balance, her deep empathy for whole family network/group, and her fearless, nurturing intent. “Systemic mothering”, if you will. The potency of her practice […]

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