A type of Disciplined Agile (DA) team. It was once called “Dedicated Product Team”, a label that provides a useful basic definition. The more detailed explanation here is accessible through and organized via PMI’s DA Browser. It is a lecture style with a slide deck, but also includes a 12′ video. https://www.pmi.org/disciplined-agile/focused-solutions-teams
Category: *Agile
Of all the great perspectives on project management, agile is the most recently emerged. Its 1990’s roots are in the IT industry in general and specifically in software development.
“Agile Estimation Reference Story Technique”
Good 10 minute explanation of the role of estimation in agile generally, of story points specifically, and of techniques for story point estimation. Some worked examples, and nice whiteboard in support.
“The Daily Scrum Explained”
Nice 3′ video. The focus is on the daily scrum per the Scrum Guide, but it also provides a useful overview of how project teams organized as agile steward daily work during an iteration.
“Story Mapping – Brainstorm and Plan your User’s Journey Visually”
On this topic, here is a very nice 2′ video. Though done as a CM, it is quite useful.
“…Lean Roadmapping and OKRs…”
Here is a fine 43′ presentation on the topic of “lean roadmapping”. It connects a) product discovery, risk management, and day-to-day project work to b) corporate goverance, “North Star” objectives, and power relationships between C-level and project teams. As presented here, the work of “roadmapping” corresponds in many ways to what is also called in […]
“User Story Mapping 101”
Check out this nice 3′ video on user story mapping. “User Story Mapping” is a technique agile project teams use to organize product backlogs comprised of user stories. It was developed and popularized by Jeff Patton. This technique is very similar to that of customer journey mapping, which is popular and important for marketing purposes. […]
“27 Product Backlog and Refinement Anti-patterns” (not a video)
Nice post listing 27 of them.
“Agile Product Ownership in a Nutshell”
Great Overview of Agile PM. Lucid concepts and visual explanation, addressing risk, roles, processes, products, and revenue. Wow!
“Understanding Scrum Metrics: Velocity, Burn down chart, Burn Up Chart”
Recent 7+ minute video on agile metrics and estimation. The explanation is upported by very useful visuals.
“Agile Velocity and Capacity Planning Relationship”
Good 6′ video that defines and uses the constructs of team “velocity” and “capacity”