Nice 3.5′ introduction to agile team use of big visible charts (aka “big visual chart”, “BVC”). Addresses rationale as well as categories of charts and general usage. Also included are useful criteria for evaluating any set of BVC’s. (Such a set of BVC’s is often called a “dashboard”.)
Category: *Agile
Of all the great perspectives on project management, agile is the most recently emerged. Its 1990’s roots are in the IT industry in general and specifically in software development.
“Knowledge Management-The SECI Model”
When the knowledge needed to build a project product does not exist – inside or outside the performing organization – that knowledge will need to be created. This situation is one associated with discovery, invention, innovation, and new product development. The creation of such new knowledge is what the SECI model models. The model is […]
“Kanban WIP Limits”
Useful 6′ introduction to limits to work in progress (WIP) in Kanban and to workflow principles of Kanban in general.
“UML Use Case Diagram Tutorial”
On the use case and use case diagram constructs, this 9′ video provides useful background, definitions, guidance, and tips Although designed largely as a commercial, its marketing dimensions are not extremely salient or disagreeable.
“How to apply Kanban in Jira: A Quick Guide”
Excellent 12′ introduction to Kanban principles and processes as well as to implementing it on Jira, one of the most widely used platforrms in software development and in agile work settings (e.g. call centers) generally.
“DA Life Cycles – from Making the Transition to Disciplined Agile”
Nice 6′ intro to the 6 project lifecycles of Disciplined Agile® using PMI diagrams as the main visual.
“Product Goals in Scrum”
10.5′ explanation, oriented specifically to Scrum development approaches and the Scrum construct of “product goal”. However, this talk helps understand how, in agile generally, some very, very high-level model of the product – our “product vision” construct – is useful in engaging stakeholders, informing team formation, and representing potential project outputs in a persuasive way. […]
“How to Get Your JIRA Product Backlog Right”
Nice 27′ video on conceptualizing and managing product backlog. Uses JIRA as an example software platform for managing it “right” and, for conceptualizing it “rIght”, the acronym DEEP – Detailed appropriately, Estimated, Emergent, Prioritized.
“What is Backlog Grooming?…”
Lots of good content and links in this short video on a key topic for agile PM and product management. (Though some of the production decisions can be a bit distracting).
“Scrum vs. Kanban”
Nice 5.5′ video explaining these two approaches to agile project management. It is also a useful introduction to PMi’s 6 Disciplined Dgile Delivery lifecycles, of which, 4 are based on Scrum and Kanban.