Current, useful explanation of product backlog creation in about 7′. Helpful outline of the context of backlog creation, namely product vision, product roadmap, product release plan. Basically talking head format, but the speaker is good, the talk is clear, and production values are high.
Category: *Agile
Of all the great perspectives on project management, agile is the most recently emerged. Its 1990’s roots are in the IT industry in general and specifically in software development.
“How to apply Kanban in Jira: A Quick Guide”
This 12.5′ video looks at the Kanban construct at three levels: The platform is an extremely popular one, namely Atlassian’s Jira.
“UML Use Case Diagrams”
A use case is an activity within a system enabling a user to accomplish a goal. Pertinent to that goal, a use case diagram is a simple visual representation of user(s), system, use cases, and relationships among them. Dating back to the early 1990’s, use case and use case diagramming are among the earliest constructs […]
“Introduction to Modern Project Discovery”
The opportunity solutions tree (OST) is a construct that helps internal teams discover and create what is of real value, both to their customers and to their company, continously. It is clear, logical, and empirical, quite similar, in many ways, to the lean start up approach to launching a new company, for example, in its […]
“Innovation Games to Uncover Insights on Customers”
Short (3.5′) explanation of the innovation games construct, emphasizing applications and benefits. Includes a nice introduction to one game: “Prune the Product Tree”.
“SMART Goals – Quick Overview”
Excellent 3′ presentation – helps to understand related ideas as well, e.g. prioritization, alignment, metrics/performance measures, and the choice thereof.
“What I Actually Do as a Product Manager (in 2023)”
Wow! This is a current, smart, immersive, and very entertaining look at the product manager role. Not a typical explanation or “how to” video, it rather centers the lifestyle, mentioning, in the process, a lot of key constructs related to the role. There is a cm in the middle of it, which links to opportunities […]
“Product Life Cycle (with Real World Examples)”
9′ video with useful, well-designed slides and product examples. Projects are very often selected and launched specifically to support a product in one stage of the product life cycle. E.g. marketing projects for company products in the “Introduction Phase” and development projects for products in the “Growth Phase”. These days, many companies organize work increasingly […]
“Mastering Kanban #3 – Improving the Workflow”
Kanban depends on ongoing improvement by the team, not only of the kanban board they originally design, but also of their guidelines and guardrails (e.g. WIP limits). Starting at about minute 2, this 7+’ video offers further explanation supported by some interesting anecdotes.
“How to Split a User Story in Just 2 Steps”
This is 20′ video is very good on user stories in general, but really excellent on spllitting them. Visuals are clear and helpful. There is quite a bit of talk here, as well, including some on agile history and background, but the talk is based on broad experience and focused on application of the key […]