The theme of this useful, results-oriented advice on resolving conflict in projects is “It’s your fault!” Worth a listen (although the format is talking heads and it includes a brief cm).
Category: *Business
The oldest perspective on project management practice: management in general. The building of the pyramids needed project managers, likely a fairly large group, inside of which, values, principles, and project constructs must have been shared widely.
More recently, Peter Drucker declared that the primary purpose of a business is “to create a customer”. In this century, we have, at the vanguard of the management perspective on projects, the lean start up community, and Strategyzer®, the company that created the business model and the value proposition canvases.s
For recent AI chats on this perspective, take a look at our page here.
“Tuckman Ladder”
Here is a one-minute explanation of a useful, long-standing model of project team evolution – the Tuckman Ladder. This model is useful largely as a way to inform team members about “where they are” in a project, from an internal/team perspective, that is, a way that does not rely on scope, schedule, or budget frameworks. […]
“KPI’s, Targets & Goals…What’s the Difference?”
Good short explanation.
“Payback Period”
Here’s a nice 3 minute explanation of “payback period”. It includes some context and a useful worked example. Organizations typically have more ideas about projects they might like to do than resources to do them all. So, to decide which one(s) to actually initiate, they typically compare candidate projects in terms of business case and […]
“Project Procurement Management”
Lecture length (47′) and lecture style (slide deck) presentation. Solid, well-oganized information; slow and steady pace. (To avoid marketing messages, start at 1:00).
“Types of Contracts”
Here’s a good 6′ overview of agreements, contracts, and contract types. Orientation is toward PMP exam prep, but the outlines and definitions here are clear, concise, and useful.
“How to Fill in a Lean Canvas?”
– Nice 8′ Video. The purpose of the Lean Canvas is to support collaborative, high-level modeling of a new organizations. In this purpose, its basic approach, and key concepts, it is closely related to two Strategyzer® product – the Business Model Canvas and the Value Proposition canvas. It is also strongly informed by “lean” practice, […]
“Shared Vision”
Peter Senge defines “shared vision” in < 5′. Shared vision is one of the 5 “disciplines” of the learning organization, as he famously asserted. Somewhat similar to the notion of “BHAG” -big, hairy, ambitious goals” popularized in the book “Built to Last”.
“PESTLE Analysis”
Like SWOT, PESTEL is a tool for macroanalysis, that is, for looking at the contexts of organizations in a systemic way. Here is a nice 10′ explanation.