Explanation in 26.5′. Well-organized and comprehensive. Delivered via lecture/slide deck. Useful emphasis on the key “make-or-buy” decision.
Category: *Business
The oldest perspective on project management practice: management in general. The building of the pyramids needed project managers, likely a fairly large group, inside of which, values, principles, and project constructs must have been shared widely.
More recently, Peter Drucker declared that the primary purpose of a business is “to create a customer”. In this century, we have, at the vanguard of the management perspective on projects, the lean start up community, and Strategyzer®, the company that created the business model and the value proposition canvases.s
For recent AI chats on this perspective, take a look at our page here.
“12 Performance Support Tools PST’s or Job Aids”
Excellent 4.5 introduction! Well-conceptualized, well-written, and well supported by quality visuals. Sound quality is not as strong as these other production values.
“Team Performance Assessments”
A bit dry and drawing a bit much on the PMBOK® Guide, but still a useful overview of team performance assessment goals, metrics, and methods.
“What is Servant Leadership?”
Concise and useful 8.5′ intro to the construct via slide deck.
“Harvard Principles of Negotiation”
Clear presentation of the fundamentals of “win/win” negotiation, perhaps the most important collaboration skill in project management. About 11′
“Strategyzer’s Value Proposition Canvas Explained”
The Value Proposition Canvas is a tool for the collaborative development of the fit beween a customer segment, especially its key jobs and related gains and pains, with potential value propositions which could be provided for the segment. Here is a nice 3′ explanation by the company that designed the canvas, Strategyzer. Btw, the design […]
“Business Model Canvas Explained”
Brief (2′) overview of the canvas by Strategyzer, its inventors. Clear visuals, high production values.
“Project Business Case: Write an Effective Project Proposal”
Clear, well-organized intro in about 17′
“Daniel Goleman Introduces Emotional Intelligence”
Short introduction of EI with definitions of its 4 components by the guy who “wrote the book on it”, Daniel Goleman.
“The Power of Mentoring”
This 5′ minute TED talk – “The Power of Mentoring” – emphasizes long term benefits flowing from the role.