Category: -Business

The oldest community of project management practice: management in general. The building of the pyramids needed managers, likely a fairly large group, inside of which, values, principles, and project constructs must have been shared widely.

More recently, Peter Drucker declared that the primary purpose of a business is “to create a customer”. In this century, we have, at the vanguard of management practice pertinent to projects, the lean start up community, and Strategyzer®, the company that created the business model and the value proposition canvases.

“Inversion Method Explained for Decision Making and Problem Solving”

Here is a helpful 9-minute presentation on the The Inversion Method (although the last minute is not so helpful.) As explained here, it less a method and more of a mental model or a general approach for problem-solving and decision-making. In a nutshell, it can be summarized as “avoiding stupidity” or “reverse engineering success”. Instead […]

“Market Segmentation with Real World Examples from a Business Professor”

Clear, well-organized explanation of traditional customer segmentation for marketing purposes in about 11 minutes. “Traditional” here means pre-dating personal computers, internet, and e-commerce. More modern approaches to modeling customers for business purposes (e.g. using empathy maps, exploring contexts of use, customer journey mapping, developing persona) tend to be extensions and refinement of the traditional “psychographic” […]

“Decision Tree Analysis – Intro and Example with Expected Monetary Value”

7′ video explanation of the essential logic of decision tree analysis based on Expected Monetary Value (EMV) by way of an example worked on a white board. As can be seen easily, the EMV and decision tree constructs are potentially quite valuable, and the logic and math involved are extremely straightforward. However, as can also […]

“What is the Scenario Planning Process in a Strategic Plan?”

A good explanation in less than 10′ of a key construct for coping with turbulent “VUCA” environments: scenario development. Four phases are clearly outlined. This construct itself is systematic, practical, and user-friendly, even in conflicted situations. In moving South Africa out of the apartheid era, for example, it was famously and successfully implemented. This fine […]

“Product Life Cycle (with Real World Examples)”

9′ video with useful, well-designed slides and product examples. Projects are very often selected and launched specifically to support a product in one stage of the product life cycle. E.g. marketing projects for company products in the “Introduction Phase” and development projects for products in the “Growth Phase”. These days, many companies organize work increasingly […]

“Kotter’s 8 Step Change Management Model”

Concise 4′ explanation with whiteboard. Kotter’s model was framed primarily to inform and inspire leaders of change management initiatives at the enterprise scale. Since such initiatives nearly always involve launching or influencing programs and projects, those working in such projects may find Kotter’s model useful to understand C-level decision-making and policies. What is also interesting […]

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